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LaLa's Joy

Frankincense Oil

Frankincense Oil

Regular price $105.33 USD
Regular price Sale price $105.33 USD
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Frankincense Oil

Boswellia trees have been celebrated for centuries. The Babylonians and Assyrians would burn the tree resin in religious ceremonies and for contemplative meditation. The ancient Egyptians used it in perfumes and salves for soothing skin. Oil from the resin has long been used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese health practices.

According to preclinical research, Frankincense essential oil may promote healthy cellular function when taken internally.* Experimental research suggests it may provide soothing internal effects, thanks to its high levels of α-Pinene.* Nourishing and clarifying as an addition to daily skincare, its warm, spicy aroma creates a relaxing yet uplifting atmosphere.

Because the Boswellia tree species used in our Frankincense essential oil grow best in different soils and regions, Co-Impact Sourcing® is helping create sustainable harvesting solutions by diversifying our supply.

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